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Gymnastics Eyes, Make Ageless

Written By bos blog on Rabu, 29 Juni 2011 | 00.34

EXCEPT train arms, legs, abdomen, and chest for physical fitness, the eyes also turned out to be trained for the good sense of vision. It's not all experts agree that exercise of the eye (eye-robics) can help maintain vision. However, increasingly many specialists believe vision therapy eye exercises every day can make your eyes stay young.

"The logic behind this vision therapy is when you can damage the visual system because the habit of doing something at close range, meaning you can restore it," said Steven Ritter, OD, from the State University of New York College of Optometry in New York City.

Specialist vision therapy or vision therapist can prescribe up to about 280 kinds of exercises. None can overcome the problem of everyone's sight. However, it would not hurt if you try some of them.

1.Membaca newspapers from afar.
If the job requires you to sit at the computer for hours, try the following: Attach a one-page paper on the wall approximately 2.5 meters away from where you used to sit. Stop your work about every ten minutes to drive into the paper this view. Try reading the article in the newspaper. Then look again at your computer screen. Do this repeatedly, each for 30 seconds, about six times an hour. These exercises can help avoid the vagueness that is often experienced by computer operators at the end of the workday.

2. Throwing the ball to the wall.
Stand at a distance of about one to one and a half feet from a blank wall, facing the wall. Ask a friend stand behind you and then throws a tennis ball against a wall. When the ball bounces off the wall, try to catch it. This exercise can help improve the coordination of hand / eye.

3. Reading his own thumb.
Raise your thumb as far as possible. Make a circular motion, the letter X and without the +, alternately near and far. Follow with your eyes. Meanwhile, try to catch sight of the room in the field of view you as much as possible. Continue this exercise with one eye closed. Repeat with the other eye. It can increase your peripheral vision.

4. Follow a flashlight beam.
These fun exercises that can improve your ability to follow an object with his eyes. This exercise requires a friend and two flashlights. Stand in a dark room, facing the wall. Ask your friends to shine a lamp into the wall and move with a sweeping motion to form a wave. With a flashlight you hold, follow the circle of light, trying to balance a book propped on his head. This way you are forced to follow the motion of light with the eyes, without moving his head.

5. Reading the ball.
 Write a letter or number on a softball or a ball of styrofoam, attach a hook, then hang the ball pads at the ceiling with a rope. The smaller your writing, the harder the exercise. Swing the ball. Try mentioning the letters or numbers you see. This exercise helps keep your skillfully follow a moving object in focus.

6. Creating a string of beads.
This exercise trains the eye to be focused onto a target object. It also trains the brain to use both eyes are beruama together. Take the yarn along the approximately 180 cm, insert it into the hole three beads that have different colors. Tie one end of the string to the wall with a height parallel to the eye, while the other end you'll hold in front of the nose. Slide one bead to the end near the wall, place two beads at a distance of about 120 cm from the nose, while the third at a distance of about 40 cm from the nose.

Move your gaze to the beads of the most distant. You'll see the shadow of two threads forming a V with the beads as the center. Move your gaze to the beads in the middle. Note the letter X is formed by shadows yarn with beaded center as the center. Then move your gaze back to the beads closest to, and watch the letter X is similar. Move your eyes from the beads sate to another quickly, and do not forget to consider the letter V or X shape.

If both of your eyes work as a team, you always have to watch the two threads shadow crossed each other when focusing your attention to one of the beads. If your eyes do not cooperate, you will see different patterns or just a yarn.
00.34 | 0 komentar | Read More

Cardiovascular Disorders in Adolescents

My sister has a high fever and shortness of breath and should be treated in hospital. I suspect he was hit by pneumonia, but it turns out according to doctors who treated him suffer a heart infection.
I wondered why my brother who was only 21 years has been heart disease. Throughout my knowledge, heart disease strikes people who are elderly.
My sister was a drug user. He began using drugs since age 13 years. Start by using a tablet, sniffs, and since school started injecting so have a great dependency. As a result he was unable to continue school. He then underwent rehabilitation and successfully stopped using drugs at the age of 18.
In three years he helped trade and apparently healthy father until he was hospitalized. Care in the hospital nearly a month. Father must pay no less for the treatment and care.
To our surprise, my brother suffered heart valve damage and possibly have surgery. We all feel sorry for heart valve surgery is certainly a risky operation, let alone the cost of operation was very costly for us.
Now my sister is at home. He was able to walk to the bathroom without difficulty, but his legs still a little swollen.
My question is, whether his heart infection associated with drug use habits of the past? Is heart valve infection does need surgery? Are there drugs that can overcome the infection of heart valves?
My sister would require work to be able to support life later. What can we prepare to comply with the state of health? Thank you for your doctor's attention.
Impact of injecting drug use, in addition to the risk of transmission of hepatitis C and HIV, is the emergence of various infections, including heart valve infection called infective bacterial endocarditis.
These infections usually occur in heart valves located on the right heart (tricuspid valve). These infections occur because of the use of unsterile needles. As a result of this infection can occur long fever, auscultation can be heard a heart murmur. Meanwhile, through blood cultures can be isolated germs that cause infection.
In addition to causing symptoms of fever, infection can also be accompanied by shortness of breath or other symptoms caused by disorders of the heart. Valve replacement via surgery is sometimes necessary.
Heart disease is not just about the elderly. Heart disease is also found even in infants, typically congenital heart disease. While rheumatic heart disease are also frequently found in children.
With the rise of injecting drug use, infective bacterial endocarditis are also increasingly found. These diseases require long-term antibiotic therapy, so does the cost of expensive treatment.
The doctor who treated your sister will consider whether you need a younger heart valve replacement surgery. Although heart valve replacement surgery, including major surgery, this operation has long been implemented in Indonesia with pretty good results. Heart valve replacement will improve the quality of life of patients significantly.
Given the number of drug users in our country quite a lot, family issues that you face is also an issue for many families Indonesia. Thus, the program needed a clear order for them to become productive and independent human beings. They should be able to go back to school, work, or had the opportunity to try.
According to the National Narcotics Agency estimates, injection drug users in our country reached more than 500,000 people. So you can imagine how many of our youth who need support in facing the future.
One modest effort is to provide training to carry out business. With even a small business we hope they can become productive citizens and life does not depend on others.
I know teenagers who now has stopped using drugs, his health had recovered, and encouraging they've also had a productive activity. There are teenagers who have internet rental, rent comics, have a shop, mobile phone outlets, and TV repair shop. Very fun to see them bounce back staring at his future.
Hopefully your sister will also find activities that suit him so it can be independently through life.
00.30 | 0 komentar | Read More

Young Children, Beware of Heart Attack

STYLE lives of young people, such as less exercise, smoking, eating foods high in cholesterol, and working hours are too high, resulting in them susceptible to heart disease. In fact, heart disease remains the number one killer disease.

Sri Lestari Sudiro, Chairman of the Heart Foundation of Central Java Indonesia Main Branch, deliver it in a press conference welcoming ceremony Heart Foundation Fund Indonesia Night in the city, on Monday (28 / 4). Raising funds for jantug disease sufferers will be held in Hotel Patra Jasa Semarang on Saturday (3 / 5) future.

According to Sri, as many high-income young people, their lifestyles contribute to the risk of heart disease. Patterns of unhealthy foods, which often eat foods high in cholesterol, for example, became one of the triggers of heart disease.

Besides food, the tendency of young people today are lazy to exercise. "To rise to the floor that is not too high they use the elevator. In fact, much healthier if you use the stairs," said Sri.

Great Sudarmanto, physician educators heart disease Heart Foundation of Central Java Indonesia Main Branch, said several things that potentially lead to heart disease are obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, and stress.

"Other causes are diabetes and hereditary factors. In addition, age above 50 years susceptible to heart disease," said Agung.

As a precautionary measure heart disease, Heart Foundation Indonesia HEALTHY campaigning movement. HEALTHY question is Balanced nutrition, Get rid of cigarettes, Avoid Stress, Keep an eye on blood pressure, and exercising regularly.

Sri said, on the night of fundraising later, the results will be donated to people with heart disease from poor families. Until now, the Indonesian Heart Foundation has helped 70 patients with heart disease to get free treatment.

Heart disease patients from poor families can apply the treatment to help our foundation. Condition, there must be a description incapable of RT / RW and villages. Furthermore, by team doctors diagnosed his illness we will advance, Sri clear.

According to the Hospital Medical Staff Division Rmah Telogorejo Agus Harjono, at least two patients with inoperable heart disease in hospital Telogorejo each month. For the cardiac examination, almost every day there are patients who self-examined.
00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Understanding Cholesterol Numbers

ONCE you pass the age of 20 years, doctors will recommend that you celebrate by checking cholesterol levels in the blood. Next, you should undergo the same examinations at least once every five years.

One of the readings that will be generated by this investigation is in the blood levels of total cholesterol (total cholesterol). Here's how to understand the meaning of these figures (all figures refer to milligrams per deciliter of blood).

Less than 200-is the desired
200 to 239, need to watch out
240 and higher-hazardous

However, even if your total cholesterol numbers are still within safe limits, you still need to measure it regularly, including levels of HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein), the type of good cholesterol.

Sometimes high levels of HDL cholesterol will help to neutralize the total number that have been "on the border" (although you may still be advised to reduce total cholesterol as low as possible).

If your HDL reading of less than 35, is considered to be categorized as "low," then you need to try to raise it again. (The best option for you in this regard is exercising to lose weight, quit smoking, and reduce the quota of sugar you eat.)

And what about cholesterol LDL (low-density lipoprotein), which is kind of bad? If other tests reveal that you are in danger, your doctor should use the data from your cholesterol test to calculate LDL levels as well. This figure should be below 130.

Finally, to help interpret the meaning of all these numbers, your doctor may mention your cholesterol ratio, ie the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL numbers. If this ratio is 35: 1 or lower, you're fine.
00.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

How to Lower Cholesterol Fast

Wrinkles are more obvious on the face can be one sign that you are getting older. But to know your rising cholesterol levels can not recognize the physical appearance.
Although high levels of cholesterol is often a consequence penuaaan. However, cholesterol levels rise and fall of old or younger do not know. In an age sakarang, adolescents may also experience serious health risks due to soaring cholesterol. A number of serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke is now not just attack the elderly, but also young people.
Fortunately, to avoid the adverse effects of cholesterol there are many things you can do. Healthy living and discipline are the main principles and capital in order to prevent the threat of cholesterol, but according to health experts, there are steps that can be done to reduce and control high cholesterol.
1. Eating right and proper. From now on, reduce the intake of saturated fat and cholesterol. Avoid foods such as fried or offal. Clumps of fat (fatty streak) will make cholesterol levels soaring.
2. Be diligent exercise. Research shows that physical activity done regularly can reduce your risk of heart disease by 50%, lowers blood pressure, lower total cholesterol and increase HDL (good cholesterol) which helps get rid of LDL (bad) cholesterol from your arteries.
3. Lose weight. Overweight or obese tend to lead to the high content of triglycerides (a kind of fat) is high, while levels of HDL (good cholesterol) tends to be low.
4. Check your blood pressure regularly. Keeping blood pressure. Ideally 120/80. High blood pressure indicate the occurrence of cholesterol accumulated in the inner lining of arteries.
5. Stop smoking. Cigarettes may encourage the formation of fatty deposits on artery walls (atherosclerosis) and narrow the arteries and block blood flow.

6. Take medication from a doctor. If your hard work such as exercise, diet and weight loss programs fail to lower cholesterol, the doctor will give you a cholesterol-lowering drugs. Treatment can be the first choice for people who have risk factors of other diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. There are a variety of prescription drugs such as statins, niacin or ezetimibe.
00.16 | 0 komentar | Read More

Best Cholesterol Lowering Foods

HABIT and type of food consumed daily was instrumental in influencing your blood cholesterol levels. The better the patterns and quality of your daily diet, the more surely also wakes up the balance of cholesterol and your overall health.

For those of you who want to avoid the problem of cholesterol, it's good healthy start to consider anti-cholesterol foods. Here are the five best foods according to the Mayo Clinic that helps lower cholesterol and protect your heart and blood vessels.

1. Porridge oats / oatmeal
Oatmeal contains soluble fiber (soluble fiber) can lower bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein / LDL). Soluble fiber is also found in such foods as kidney beans (kidney beans), apples, pears, barley and prunes. Believed that soluble fiber can reduce absorption of cholesterol in your digestive tract. Eating more soluble fiber 10 grams per day can lower total and LDL cholesterol. Each 1 1 / 2 cup cooked oatmeal that you eat contains 6 grams of fiber. If you add fruit, like bananas, you add about 4 more grams of fiber.

2. Nuts walnuts, almonds and other types
Various studies show that walnuts significantly lower cholesterol in the blood. Nuts contain many polyunsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids) that can keep blood vessels healthy and elastic. Nuts Almonds also have benefits that are not too different, where the decrease in cholesterol can you feel after about four weeks.

Diet to lower cholesterol by 20 percent of calories come from walnuts sources claimed to be able to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol by 12 percent. Nuts are generally high in calories, so with only about a handful (no more than 2 ounces or 57 grams) will provide benefits.

But remember, when you eat them with other foods do not overdo it. Overeating makes you fat and lead to heart risks.

3. Fish and omega-3 fatty acids
Much research supports the benefits of eating fish in lowering cholesterol as fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids also help the heart in other ways such as lowering blood pressure and reduce the risk of blood clots. In patients who already had heart attacks, fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids significantly decreased the risk of sudden death.

Doctors recommend eating fish at least twice a week. Food sources rich in omega-3 found in mackerel, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon.

Keep in mind, to maintain the health benefits of fish, fish should be grilled or baked in the oven. If you do not like fish, you can also get omega-3s from foods like ground flaxseed or canola oil.

You can also get omega-3 or fish oil supplement, but it certainly will not earn a place all the essential nutrients in fish such as selenium. If you decide to take a supplement, just remember to watch your diet and eat lean meat or vegetables in place of fish.

4. Olive Oil / Olive Oil
Olive oil or olive oil contains a mixture of potent antioxidants that can reduce cholesterol without disturbing levels of good cholesterol (HDL) you.

The Food Administration (FDA) recommends using about 2 tablespoons (23 grams) of olive oil every day to keep the heart healthy. To add olive oil to your diet, you can mencampunya with vegetables, seasoning liquid, or mix it with vinegar as a salad dressing. You can also use olive oil instead of butter as when polishing the meat.

Some research suggests that the effects of olive oil in lowering cholesterol will be greater if you choose extra-virgin olive oil or extra virgin olive oil. This type of oil does not go through processing and the addition of chemicals that are believed to contain more heart-healthy antioxidants. But avoid "light" olive oil because usually this type is more processed so that boondoggle would not be maximal.

5. Foods that are fortified or enriched sterols and stanols.
Many foods are now fortified with plant sterols or stanols - substances in plants that help block the absorption of cholesterol.

Margarine, orange juice, and yogurt drinks fortified with plant sterols can reduce LDL cholesterol by 10 percent. The number of daily plant sterols needed for results is at least 2 grams are equivalent to two servings (237 milliliters) servings of plant sterol-fortified orange juice a day.

Sterols or stanols are added in the diet will not affect the levels of triglycerides or HDL. Sterols or stanols, also will not interfere with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.
00.13 | 0 komentar | Read More
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